Something For Everyone
Fall Family Fun Locations
When choosing a location for outdoor family photos, I always ensure it’s somewhere that the family is comfortable. I also like to choose somewhere that is either at or near by a place parents can function in case of an accident or needing a break. Something I like to suggest, is to be somewhere that has activities for kids. Suggestions they can take their kids, like an ice cream shop or park. Parents will have a reward for their kids. You can also utilize the places in some photos for fun!
Apple Orchards
As the air gets colder, it can be more difficult to choose a place that is appropriate for kids. A place that’s appropriate while being multifunctional and fun. With that being said, apple orchards are a great place to take families for fall fun. Of course, ensure you know the rules or boundaries of your local apple orchards. Here, you have a beautiful setting, while also having an activity to do and capture. It gets the kids excited to pick and eat the apples, which can make for cute moments. Not to mention, yummy apple treats and drinks.
Furthermore, apple orchards are becoming more creative in having multiple activities available. Some apple orchards will have mini pumpkin patches as well. Some orchards may have corn mazes, petting zoos, corn tubs, and more! What better way to satisfy kids with different fun options for them, while also tiring them out and supporting local.
Pumpkin Patches
As Halloween creeps around the bend, pumpkin patches are another fun fall activity. Just like apple orchards, pumpkin matches have an element of beauty and fun! Pumpkin patches also are becoming more creative in what they offer. They can also bring the fall and Halloween season to life with different activities to do. At these patches and orchards, they are starting to offer more to take home as well. You can grab baking goods, candles, decorations, and other artistic festive pieces or consumables. Plus, a take home pumpkin to add fall dĆ©cor to your home or carve with your little ones…so a continuing activity!
Sometimes cold air can make you want to stay home, snuggle in a blanket, and watch a movie. But when you have kids around, you’re in a constant whirlwind of energy while they’re awake. Kids are usually consistently playing and imagining, so we try to ensure we keep up. When it comes to family photos, it’s not any different. I find it best to try and make it fun, or at least have something fun to follow. You get fun photos (even if it doesn’t last long) while keeping the kids playing or behaving to be rewarded with play. Everyone can win, while creating memories and maybe starting or continuing family traditions!
Looking to read about family photos with young kids? See: https://lumierephotographywi.com/?p=8